Sunday 14 August 2011

Books and Puppets Galore!

The day before yesterday we went over to Paul's nephew Danny's house for a barbecue.  It was a lovely evening, the sun was out and we sat in the backyard and enjoyed dinner with their family and friends Jim and Tammy and their girls.  Sydney loved that there were so many kids to play with.  Danny has a trampoline in his backyard so the bigger kids took turns taking Sydney on it and gently bouncing her, she loved it!  I'm thinking we may have to invest in one for our backyard at some point.....

Danny's boys are having their rooms painted this summer so their Mom took the opportunity to go through all of their old toys and books while she was emptying their rooms out, and passed along a huge pile of books and puppets to Sydney.  Syd absolutely loves books, I honestly feel like we can never have enough for her!  I was especially excited to get the Dr. Seuss books which I had been wanting to get for a while.  They are such classics, haven't changed a bit since I was a kid reading them!

We didn't have any puppets either, so it was fun to get a few. Check out this spider one, a little creepy but for whatever reason Sydney thinks it's so funny!

It was a lovely evening spent with family and friends and we were excited to inherit some great things for Sydney too!

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