Wednesday 21 September 2011


When Sydney was about six months old I decided that it would be a good idea to enroll her in Waterbabies swimming lessons at Aquaventures Swim Centre.  I have never learned to swim, so I was determined that she was going to be a strong swimmer and wanted to get her started as early as possible.  Poor girl hated the water with a passion.  For weeks, at every single lesson, she would cry and scream in my arms and claw at my back to get out of the pool.  It got so bad, the instructor actually called me at home to suggest that perhaps I should pull her out of the lessons for a while until she was older and had become a bit more comfortable with the water!!

So we took a little hiatus from the lessons and went to a public pool once a week with a friend and her babe and gradually Sydney (and I!) got used to being in the pool and more comfortable in the water.  I'm quite certain that she was picking up on my tension being in the water and not particularly loving it....for as much as I was trying to plaster a smile on my face and pretend that we were having fun, she could sense my insincerity. 

So this fall we have re-enrolled at Aquaventures for another round of lessons and she is absolutely loving it!!  On the first day of lessons, Paul stopped by on his way home from the office, she spotted him standing at the edge of the pool and screamed "Daddy!" excitedly.  She spent the rest of the class showing off for Dad, went down the water slide several times after smiling at him and making sure he saw her slide down and dunk into the water! 

Turns out my baby is a waterbaby after all!  We are loving the lessons and having a great time at the swim centre! 

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