Sunday 12 February 2012

The Mommy Basket

I have to admit, I've never been a light packer.  I know how to pack a suitcase to reach it's maximum potential better than anyone I know!  Every nook and cranny is stuffed with an extra pair of flip flops, first aid kit, full sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner, a pedicure kit.  Hey, you never know what you might need when you're away from home!

I quickly realized upon becoming a Mom, that over-packing and being able to foresee any eventuality, was in fact a good quality to possess.  I never was that Mom begging someone on the street for a diaper or extra wipes or having to borrow a change of clothes from a friend because I forgot to pack extras for Syd.  Instead, I lugged around my fifty pound diaper bag stuffed to the brim with enough contents to backpack around Europe for a month.  In fact, friends often counted on me to have extra stuff on hand and wouldn't bring it themselves when we were out together.  I was one step up from being a pack mule, really!

After about a year of lugging both my fifty pound diaper bag and thirty pounds of baby in bucket car seat around, my back and neck were starting to protest.  I knew I had to pare down, but how was I going to be prepared for any eventuality and still pack light?

Enter the Mommy basket.  This amazing invention sits in my car stuffed with everything from Ergo baby carrier to hats and mitts, extra snacks and diapers, changes of clothes and bottles of water.  It sits on the floor of my car and is a catch-all for anything that would otherwise end up on the floor rolling around the back seat.  It is brilliant!  In addition, it accompanies me and Syd on playdates, carrying bottles of wine, bouquets of flowers, Syd's favourite dolly, whatever we need to bring for the occasion.  It all gets chucked in the basket on the way there and back and carried to the door with ease.  I can honestly say I couldn't live without this basket, in fact, I'm thinking of getting another one so that the one in my car can stay there permanently!

I picked mine up at Winners last summer, I think it was meant to be a picnic basket to be honest, but I have seen them at several housewares stores here in Vancouver, if you're a Mom and you don't have one, all I can say is get one!  You won't regret it!  Happy Packing!

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