Tuesday 28 February 2012

Sydney's Tree

This morning when we arrived at school, Sydney and I found a little surprise waiting for her in her mailbox.  It was a certificate that read:

"For Tu Bi'Shevat 5772/2012 an Acacia tree has been planted in the central Arava region of the Negev Desert by Sydney W"

I had no idea that the preschool was planting a tree in Israel in honour of each student for Tu Bi'Shevat, what a lovely surprise!

Trees are very important in Jewish culture.  They are considered to be at the pinnacle of the plant world, which transforms the earth from a barren and lifeless mass into an environment capable of supporting other forms of life such as animals and humans.  In essence, trees sustain all other life.  Often for special occasions such as birthdays, graduations, new babies etc., instead of giving gifts, donations will be made to have trees planted in Israel in honour of the person being celebrated.  I love this about Jewish culture, how much it values the environment and appreciates the sustainability of the life that trees give!

I have to admit, I had never heard of an Acacia tree, so I did a bit of reading about them when I got home.  They are a flat-topped African flowering tree, here's how they look when in bloom, so beautiful!

I love knowing that Sydney has her own tree planted somewhere on this earth that will likely live on long after she and I have both left.  I can only hope that many more will be planted in her honour as she reaches many more milestones in her life in the years to come!

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