Friday 16 March 2012

Children's Hospital

I can honestly say that you never feel so helpless in all your life, as when your child is sick.  Last night, Sydney woke up many times after I had put her to bed writhing in pain and obviously uncomfortable.

I didn't know what was wrong, just held her and comforted her when she suddenly sat up and started vomiting profusely.  It was a long and sleepless night which ended up in a trip to the emergency room at Children's Hospital early this morning to get her checked out.

I am eternally grateful to God that Sydney has typically always been a very healthy girl.  We have had very few visits to the emergency room at Children's in her lifetime, thankfully, but every time I have had to visit I am always so grateful to have such an amazing facility ten minutes from home!  The staff there are caring and so amazing with children and are always eager to offer practical and helpful advice on how to deal with a sick child.

Today was no exception.  Dr. Cheung saw us promptly upon our arrival and spent a good length of time checking Sydney out.  He suspected that she had picked up a flu virus on top of the ear infection that she was already struggling with.  Poor girl, it was a total double whammy!  After giving me lots of great advice on how to rehydrate her, we left in under an hour's time, it was fantastic considering the wait times there can sometimes be up to 8 and 10 hours!

So I spent the rest of the day today focused on rehydrating my little girl.  She certainly felt better once she'd had her share of fluid intake! 

It was the fitting end to a week that I hope to never repeat.  I will be so grateful, going forward, for every day that we have together when everyone is feeling healthy and well.  It is a gift that I took for granted for a long time. 

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