Thursday 24 May 2012

A New Baby

I fell off the blogging bandwagon last night.  I was doing so well this month, consistently updating my blog, and then it all went to pot when my Mom and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning chatting away.  It was her last night with us and I so wanted to soak up every minute with her to chat about motherhood and raising kids.  Was so worth giving up a few hours of sleep to spend with her! Mom flew home this afternoon after a week with us, I miss her already!  It was so nice to have her here!

I woke up this morning at 6:15am to Paul's voice saying "Gwendolyn Isla".  My friend Lori had gone into labour the night before and had her beautiful baby girl at 3:00am last night.  Her name is Gwendolyn Isla and she is the sweetest little pea ever!  Lori texted me at 6:00 this morning and Paul heard the text come in and checked my phone, he was the first to hear and couldn't wait for me to wake up to tell me the good news!

The photo a day for today is 'something new', how fitting.  Little Gwendolyn is the best something new I could possibly ever think of on a given day!!

I popped by the hospital to see Lori and her sweet babe tonight and had some good newborn snuggles.  I had forgotten how amazing that newborn smell is, I could have held her forever!  I brought Lori a basket of beautiful baby pink flowers, it had the most amazing, huge orchids in it!

It was a wonderful day welcoming my dear friend's new baby to the world!

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